Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Tonight it is going to be Breakfast for Dinner...always a BIG hit for our Family. I have made this one before..this is just a slightly different recipe. I usually make this up the night before or first thing in the morning and throw in the fridge till ready to bake. I serve with Sausage and Strawberries..Yum Yum!!


1 Loaf French Bread
8 eggs
2 C half & half
1/2 C milk
2 T sugar
1 t vanilla
1/4 t cinnamon
Dash salt

1 stick butter
1/2 c Brown Sugar
1/2 t cinnamon

Spray 9X13 casserole dish with non stick spray.
Slice bread into thick slices and arrange in bottom of dish. May have to overlap or cut to fit.
Mix next 7 ingredients in medium bowl and pour over bread.
Now you can do this 2 ways. Combine topping ingredients with fork, and dot over casserole. Cover with plastic wrap till ready to cook..of course throw in fridge.
Or wait to mix the topping till right before placing in oven and heat topping ingredients over stove top till melted and drizzle over casserole then place in oven. Either way it is Delicious!!

Uncover and bake at 350 for 45 minutes or until top is golden brown.
This recipe is also freezable if you wanted to make ahead.

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