Friday, January 7, 2011

Taco Dip

With Superbowl not to far off, it is time to start thinking of Dips, and all that fun snack food that goes along with FOOTBALL.

8oz cream cheese softened
green onions
4 oz chopped green chiles
16 oz can of chili, no beans
1 1/2 C shredded cheese
just use something that can go in the microwave. Spread the cream cheese evenly over the bottom of the container.
Add the chopped green onions...if you don't like onions, leave them out :-) I am NOT a onion fan.
Add the whole can of chiles
Add your can of chili
Add your cheese...any kind, whatever you like
Put the lid on and microwave on 70% for 3-5 minutes, until hot and bubbly!!!

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