Thursday, December 16, 2010

Green Bean Bundles

We and I say we because normally Troy is in charge of making these, for most of our gatherings. They are a BIG hit and oh so yummy!!

Ingredients:2 or 3 cans of whole green beans
Bacon slices
1 stick of butter
1 cup of brown sugar
tsp of garlic salt
Wrap a handful of green beans in half a slice of bacon. That makes one bundle - keep going for as many bundles as you would like to have.
Melt a stick of butter and stir in one cup of brown sugar (more or less depending on how sweet you would like it).
Add a teaspoon of garlic salt. Pour over bundles.
Bake at 350 for 30 minutes. Then put under the broiler for 4-5 minutes at the end. DELICIOUS!

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