Sunday, November 21, 2010

Week of 11/22

Sorry I missed last week, I have been SUPER busy preparing for our up coming move!!

I LOVE thanksgiving, such a great day with Family and Yummy food..and best part the left overs usually last for at least a day or two!!
So this weeks menu is short and sweet!!

1 loaf French bread cut diagonally in 2 inch slices
1 1/2 cup fat free cream
1 cup milk
6 eggs
3 tsp. vanilla
1/2 tsp. cinnamon

3/4 cup butter
1 1/3 cup brown sugar
3 tbsp. light corn syrup

Butter a 9x13 inch baking dish. Arrange the slices of bread in the bottom.

In a large bowl, beat together eggs, milk, cream, vanilla and cinnamon. Pour over bread slices, cover, and refrigerate overnight.

The next morning, preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
In a small saucepan, combine butter, brown sugar and corn syrup; heat until bubbling. Pour over bread and egg mixture.Bake in preheated oven, uncovered, for 40-50 minutes.Half way through flip bread slices to evenly absorb the moisture.The bread will look gooey and moist. It definitely has the texture of bread pudding.

*TUESDAY~Italian Baked Bow Ties
8 oz uncooked bow tie pasta
28 oz can/jar spaghetti sauce
1/2 C. water
1 envelope Italian dressing mix
2 C. shredded mozzarella
Pour a little sauce in the bottom of the baking dish.

Mix Italian dressing seasoning right in the can of sauce. Why dirty another dish if you don't have to? :)

Mix noodles, sauce, water and cheese in baking dish.

Sprinkle with cheese.

Cover with foil (spray the foil with non stick spray so the cheese does not stick).
This needs to sit in the refrigerator at least 8 hours. Bake within 48 hours for best quality.
Bake 400 degree oven for 25-35 minutes or until hot and bubbly.
Serve with bread and green salad.

*WEDNESDAY~ Baked Potato Soup

This hearty soup will warm you up on a cold day!
1/2 C. frozen chopped onion

32 oz. chicken broth

1 C. water

30 oz bag frozen cubed hash browns

Mix first 4 ingredients in a large zipper bag. Zip to seal.
Mix 1 C. milk with 3 T flour in a small container with lid.Store in refrigerator until ready to cook.

To cook. Place bag ingredients in slow cooker and cook on low for 6-8 hours. Turn slow cooker to High, add milk/flour and mix well. Cover and cook additional 30 minutes or until soup thickens.Serve with shredded cheese, real bacon bits and green onions.

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